I see that you're looking for more information on the Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program; and I'm just here to tell you more about it. I don't know you from a can of paint, but I know one thing; whomever told you about this internet marketing school is real and is serious about their business, because that's how real and serious this online marketing school really is.
If you still don't think it's worth it, then I don't think WA is for you, because it's obvious you know nothing about what you need to establish a business online and what is in your best interest.
Here is a snapshot of my recent payments I've received from WA:
Now, here is a snapshot of what I'm expected to get very soon:

I've come a long way from the type of person I am today. I can tell you strait up that WA helped out a lot. I say that because the community within Wealthy Affiliate will help anyone become a better person personally ands business wise.
I'm not going to bore you with the long story about how great Wealthy Affiliate University is and how the owners Kyle and Carson are geniuses (even though this is 100% true in my opinion), because I feel like if I do, then I might sound a little redundent and phony and by no means, I will mean to sound like that, because I honestly respect and cherish the fact that I am one of their students.
When I became a member of WA, I had no idea what to expect. I heard from Jennifer Ledbetter (PotPieGirl) that the community was awesome, but never knew they had an affiliate program. I quickly learnt they do have one and it does convert like crazy.
This is How It Works:
Kyle and Carson is offering an incentive program for anyone who wants to become a dedicated affiliate of any of their products/services:
- A trip to LAS VEGAS (including 3 nights hotel & Flight)
- A 2-day exclusive conference with Kyle & Carson (and the fellow members) to discuss Internet Marketing and go over your own business development
- 2 Days Full of Fun, Learning, and them Treating You to the TIME OF YOUR LIFE
(You mush accomplish any of the following)
I must warn you, in order to become an affiliate you must become a member and it does cost money. If you want my honest, I know it's toally worth $46.00 a month for a lot of reasons:
- 30 day success club, with daily actionable tasks
- State of the Art Web Hosting (for up to 3 domain installs)
- 3 WordPress Express website installations, install an awesome looking website in seconds
- Access to Kyle & Carson personally to answer any questions
- Over 500 training videos, manuals and resources
- A database of over 60 hours of Live Video Training
- Personal social profile, personal WA Space, plus a WA blog
- The famous WA forum…with 447,168 posts!
- Ability to create LIVE chats on any topic and join 100′s of active training discussion
- INSTANT support. If help is required, there will always be someone there!
- Acclaimed keyword research and niche finding tool, in fact FIVE of them
- Article Writing tool, keyword density checker
- Link cloaking and traffic analysis tools
- Campaign and task management tracking
- Network with 1,000′s of other Internet marketers
- Hot Affiliate Program finder, find the trending affiliate programs
- Facebook and Twitter revenue generation system (click a button, earn money…really!)
- WA Jobs, outsource work or get paid to do jobs right within WA.
If you still don't think it's worth it, then I don't think WA is for you, because it's obvious you know nothing about what you need to establish a business online and what is in your best interest.
Here is a snapshot of my recent payments I've received from WA:
Now, here is a snapshot of what I'm expected to get very soon:
And this is the good thing about Affiliate Marketing, you can become an affiliate for a lot of other companies. I say that to say... WA is not the only place I make money from as a Affiliate Marketer. That's money coming in from several different place all at once.
I'm not going to hold you up any longer and I hope this was helpful to you.
The information on Wealthy Affiliate is endless, you might have to see it to believe it for real.

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